Celebrating the
Latin Mass

This FREE course trains priests to celebrate a Traditional Latin Mass ('Low Mass' according to the 1962 Missal).

A new chapter comes out every Monday and Wednesday until all 22 chapters have been published.

Write your awesome label here.

Lesson Release Schedule

3/25 - Chapter 5: Bows and Volume
3/27 - Chapter 6: The Procession
4/1 - Chapter 7: The Prayers at the Foot of the Altar
4/3 - Chapter 8: The Introit
4/8 - Chapter 9: The Kyrie & Gloria
4/10 - Chapter 10: The Collect & Epistle
4/15 - Chapter 11: The Gospel & Credo
4/17 - Chapter 12: The Offertory
4/22 - Chapter 13: The Preface
4/24 - Chapters 14 & 15: The Canon
4/29 - Chapter 16: The Pater Noster & Fractio
5/1 - Chapter 17: Communion
5/6 - Chapter 18: The Ablutions
5/8 - Chapter 19: The Postcommunion & Final Blessing
5/13 - Chapter 20: The Last Gospel & Leonine Prayers
5/15 - Chapter 21: Mass Without a Server
5/20 - Chapter 22: Mass With a Congregation


  • Quizzes
  • Downloadable PDFs

Learn the Mass of the Ages

This course will teach you to celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in the same manner as Pope St. Pius X, St. Padre Pio and St. John Bosco.